Saturday, July 16, 2011


I wanted to take sometime to give an update on how Spencer’s doing in training, but to be honest, there’s not much to say. So I guess the best news I can give you is that CCI says he’s doing well and we don’t have him back yet. He’s already doing much better than I expected.

My dad and I still check in on the puppies at class and help out some days, and they all seem to be doing well. I’m proud of all the puppy raisers, thanks for sticking with us.

I also wanted to thank everyone who took the time to read this blog. I’m sorry I didn’t update it more, but I appreciate all your support and praise. To anyone whose interested in still reading some of my work, I’m starting up a new blog soon based on music soon. I haven’t worked out all the details yet, but I’ll report back soon (with more info on Spencer if I have any by then). Thank again everyone.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The End

“It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it’s right. I hope you had the time of your life.” –Green Day, Time of Your Life
Well, this is it, my little brothers all grown up and going to college. I knew it was coming, and to be honest, I’m not nearly as devastated as I thought I’d be. After talking to the people I’ve talked to, that couldn’t live like you and I if they didn’t have this dog, I know why I’m doing it. In the beginning I was a little selfish and just wanted a dog, but now I realize this is for a greater good. Sure, I’m sad to see him go, but not nearly as bad as I thought I’d be.
After I give my service dog spiel to everyone, usually the first question is, “how can you give your dog up? It must be so hard!”. Well first off he’s not really mine, he’s still owned by CCI until he leaves to help someone. Second, if you ever see someone with a service dog, ask them what that dog means to them. It will all make sense right then and there. Knowing this dog will make someone twice as happy as he made me is all that really matters. I think really the most inspirational quote I’ve heard about these dogs comes from the mother of an autistic child who received a service dog. That quote was “This is the first friend my son has ever had”. That really meant a lot to me, and I know that’s the reason I do this. Think about it. Can you imagine what it would be like? Knowing that this dog can make a world of difference to someone is really all that matters. Most people like you and I can get up in the morning, make ourselves a bowl of cereal, shower, get dressed, and get to work or school all by ourselves in the morning. A lot of these people we’re helping can’t. That’s really amazing to know that because of my family simply raising a dog, someone might be able to live independently with little help from others.
There’s just a few messages I want to leave you all with before I end this blog based upon what this has taught me. First, no matter the disability, no matter the issue, people with any sort of disability or handicap are people too. In fact, many of them are very nice people. It’s human nature to judge, and I totally understand. When we see someone with any sort of disability we automatically judge, but I really want that to change. They’re just like us. They’re not some sort of alien or anything. We share the same interests, dreams, goals, and ideas. Second, this was really an inspirational journey for me, and it was an AMAZING experience. If you really want to do something to make a difference in our strange, bizarre world, raising a service dog is a GREAT idea. Or even making a small donation to CCI, or even just raising awareness about CCI.
I really want to thank you all for taking the time to read this. This dog really does mean the world to me and I’m glad I could share it with you! I’ve attached a slide show for Spencer, highlighting pictures and videos of him.
Thanks again everyone. I hope you stay healthy, and stay happy!
This is a link to Spencer's Video that I made.

Spencer Slide Show

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Spencer’s Puppy Class

This week, I thought I’d share a video of Spencer’s recent puppy class. He always has fun there, so I thought it’d be a good idea to show you what he gets to do. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Spencer’s Busy Life

This issue of Spencer’s World is dedicated to everyone in the armed forces. I would like to personally thank everyone whose ever served in the military, God bless.

Spencer has done a lot the past few months. He sure is a social and popular dog. While he does his typical things (go to work, go to restaurants, stores etc. with us), he has also go to do some exciting things!

Probably the most exciting Spencer got to to do recently was go visited wounded warriors  and their families in Bethesda. He went with another puppy trainer that goes to the same class as us. Spencer got to stay the night with her for three days and went to the hospital. He got very excited to see all the people and they were happy to see him. We’re told he did a great job and was an excellent dog, but I find it hard to belief he didn’t get into any mischief.

I also feel I should give some more exciting news. My dad received an email from one of the people that work for CCI and gave us some great news. Spencer gets to stay until May! We’re not exactly sure for what reason he’s getting to stay, but we’re excited nonetheless! Spencer is a big part of the family and the more time we get to spend with him the better.

Hope you all have a great week and a good Veteran’s Day!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Spencer’s First Theater Movie

This week, Spencer got to go to his first movie in theaters! He got to see the Expendables (yes, we took our one year old to a rated R movie), and did a great job! There were some loud parts in that movie which made him a little nervous, food on the floor, and he got a little restless but other than that he did fantastic! He layed down and (sort of) watched the movie with us. Spencer was a great dog and I’m very proud of him.


It’s been about a year since we first got Spencer, and what a great year it’s been. We are slowly preparing for his departure in February. He’s been a fantastic dog and he’s going to be a huge help to someone one day, and although many people (including myself) don’t want him to leave, I know it is necessary  and he’s going to do great in Advanced training. People say to me all the time, “It must be so hard to give him up!”, but I know I’m not giving him up, I’m giving him back. Knowing he’s going to help someone in need makes giving him back so much easier and I’m excited for him. Spencer is my best friend and I know he’s going to be someone else’s too.


Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Awesome Times of a Dog Named Spencer

In the times since my last post, Spencer has done some really exciting and fun stuff, like his trip to Maine, the farm, and Pennsylvania. So this entry should be quick.... I'm just kidding we might be here a while so we should get started.

I'd have to say Spencer had the best time in Maine and Boston. He got to do so much, it was almost too much for a little puppy to take! There was the trip in the R.V., which he really wasn't sure about in the begininng. He didn't know if he should sit, lay down, stand or what in the world to do. He eventually became used to it and was very calm and a good dog.

We finally made it to Boston and Spencer was excited to get up and actually do something! We decided it'd be fun to take a tour of Boston and see what there was to see, and we decided to do this on the hottest day of the year. Although, a good experience came for Spencer when he rode the bus for the first time. Again, this took him a while to get comfortable, but he overall did a great job. Another great experience came for Spencer at the aquarium, and that experience, was a seal. We eventually had to leave the seal alone because he didn't really know what the seal was and wanted to bark at it. Spencer seemed to like it there though and had a good time. 

The next day in Boston was college day for us! Spencer came along again and we first went to the MIT mueseum. Spencer saw all the robots and technology and was really curious on why everything was moving. He also saw a group of kids and wanted to meet them all. My dad tried to convince everyone he was a robotic dog, I rolled my eyes at him and said he wasn't. We later went back downstairs and finished looking at all the interesting things and Spencer, again, was a great dog. The next stop was my favorite, Berklee College of Music! Spencer was already kinda worn out by this point so after a while my dad took him to a place to rest and they were done for the day.

We later went to Maine and Spencer got to do alot more fun things! On our third day there we took Spencer on a four mile hike which he loved! About half up the mountain we were climbing, my dad found something new to Spencer, a snake. As you can imagine, this scared my dad and I a bit, but no, not Spencer. Spencer really wanted to play with this snake. We're really glad he didn't though, turns out this snake was a brown rattlesnake or something of those sorts. Spencer did a great job getting up the big rocks and we eventually made it to the top! The rest of the Maine trip for Spencer was a lot of rest and walking around to see what there was.

About a week after the Maine trip, Spencer had one of the best times of his life. While my parents and I voyaged to the Outer Banks, Spencer stayed at another CCI volunteer's farm, which was five days of nonstop running and playing with his friends Kianna and Carson. We were told Spencer was a very good dog, but I can't help but think he was a bit mischievous.

Spencer also went up to Pennsylvania this week and learned about ATV's (All Terrain Vehicles) and got to watch my mom and I take an ATV safety class, where he helped out by picking up cones with my dad. Spencer didn't do anything particularly exciting otherwise, but the ATV's where a great experience for him which I felt the need to highlight.

Thank you so much for reading, have a great week!

The docks at the aquarium
Our MIT Speech

Taking a dip in the fish tank

Making it up the Mountain!

The Lake!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Spencer’s Hunting Day!

Here are some videos of Spencer with the North American Versatile Hunting Dogs!
There’s more to come!

Hello reddit.
